My Chronicle

Attainable goals are the ones for me. Encouraged by our dog Spot and family eaters, I purpose to cook once a week and make it new and delicious. If I cook more often, I get more weeks off later on.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Incognito Spinach Potatoes

So the other night when I made our good ol' Roast Beast, I thought I'd jazz up our mashed potatoes. Mostly because I meant to make Cauli Mashed Potos, but didn't have any cauliflower. Ahhh, but I did have frozen spinach! Rachel Ray says that frozen spinach has even more spinach in it because of how much it takes to get one package. Not well summarized, but basically it's more nutritious. The cool thing about putting spinach in the potatoes is that you have a hidden vegetable that gives texture. There are lots of things I've been hiding spinach in... but back to these potatoes:

Red potatoes
1 pkg frozen spinach
1/4 to 1/2 cup buttermilk
Kosher salt
ground pepper

Boil potatoes, drain and cover back in pot. Microwave spinach about 5 minutes. Squeeze out all moisture using paper towels. Add spinach to potatoes. When combined, slowly add buttermilk until potatoes reach desired texture. Salt and pepper to taste.

These potatoes would go well with any meat, chicken or fish dish.

Spot gave 4 paws for the Roast we had, but was not really interested in anything to do with spinach.

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