My Chronicle

Attainable goals are the ones for me. Encouraged by our dog Spot and family eaters, I purpose to cook once a week and make it new and delicious. If I cook more often, I get more weeks off later on.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Daylight Savings Luscious Meatloaf

This recipe is morphed from the Lost Summer, the one where I had two broken feet and had to learn to walk again, and my hub had emergency appendicitis surgery. It's a blur to us but we were well-fed by many church friends. This meatloaf recipe was from the famous "Cooks" recipe. At that time, we gobbled it up. De-lish! Haven't tried to make it since then, and that's back in the day when I thought lots of cooking was complicated.

2 lbs mixture of extra lean ground beef and low fat turkey
1 large red onion, casually diced
8 cloves of garlic, minced (less if you fear garlic breath)
3 TBSP extra virgin olive oil
Kosher salt
Ground pepper
2 large eggs
Up to 1 cup heavy whipping cream
4 - 6 TBSP whipped butter
2 TBSP Dijon mustard
2 TBSP Worcestershire Sauce
1/3 cup fresh Cilantro flakes
1/3 cup mayonaise (Hellmanns!)
1 1/2 - 1 3/4 cups Italian bread crumbs

1. In large skillet (to be be used later when you make your gravy), cook onion and garlic in olive oil with pinch of salt til soft. Cover and stir every once in awhile. Leave some of the onions to flavor your gravy...

2. Preheat oven to 350.

3. While onion mixture is cooking, set up large bowl with the following: Big smatter of Kosher salt, ground pepper to taste (we like lots), eggs, Dijon, Mayo, Worcestershire, Cilantro, 1/3 cup Whipping cream - whisk well

4. When onion mixture is cooked til soft, add contents to big bowl, whisk - then add the meat (This is where I ask my hubby to mash up the ingredients b/c his fingers hold less water than mine = ring comes off easier)

5. Hand-mix all to fit baking dish. Pat firmly. Bake until instant temp reads 160, approx 1 hour and 10 minutes.

6. While meatloaf is cooking, prepare side dishes. We like mashed potos and gravy. Tonite I made the potos with heavy cream and whipped butter. Very smooth!

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